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Second Wind: A Sunfish Sailor, an Island, and the Voyage That Brought a Family Together
by Nathaniel Philbrick
Binding: Paperback
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Rating: 4.0
Total Reviews: 14
Results Second Wind: A Sunfish Sailor, an Island, and the Voyage That Brought a Family Together
Second Wind A Sunfish Sailor an Island and the Voyage Second Wind A Sunfish Sailor an Island and the Voyage That Brought a Family Together Nathaniel Philbrick on FREE shipping on qualifying offers A charming memoir of midlife by the bestselling author of Mayflower and In the Hurricanes Eye Second Wind by Nathaniel Philbrick PenguinRandomHouse About Second Wind In the spring of 1992 eight years before the publication of In the Heart of the Sea Nat Philbrick was in his late thirties living with his family on Nantucket feeling stranded and longing for the thrill of victory of a national sailing championship he had won fifteen years earlier Nathaniel Philbrick Second Wind A Sunfish Sailor an Nathaniel Philbrick Second Wind A Sunfish Sailor an Island and the Voyage That Brought a Family Together Upcoming Event Thursday March 8 2018 700pm to 800pm Second Wind A Sunfish Sailor an Island and the Voyage Nothing could compare to the exhilaration of a close race in a real blow—the wind howling and spray flying as my Sunfish and I punched through the waves to the finish” In the spring of 1992 Nat Philbrick was in his late thirties living with his family on Nantucket feeling stranded and longing for that thrill of victory he once felt after winning a national sailing championship in his youth NATHANIEL PHILBRICK SECOND WIND A Sunfish Sailor an NATHANIEL PHILBRICK – SECOND WIND A Sunfish Sailor an Island and the Voyage That Brought a Family Together Second Wind A Sunfish Sailor an Island and the Voyage Second Wind A Sunfish Sailor an Island and the Voyage That Brought a Family Together Paperback By Nathaniel Philbrick 1700 living with his family on Nantucket feeling stranded and longing for that thrill of victory he once felt after winning a national sailing championship in his youth Praise for Second Wind Second Wind A Sunfish Sailor an Island and the Voyage Download or stream Second Wind A Sunfish Sailor an Island and the Voyage That Brought a Family Together A Sunfish Sailor an Island and the Voyage That Brought a Family Together by Nathaniel Philbrick Get 50 off this audiobook at the AudiobooksNow online audio book store and download or stream it right to your computer smartphone or tablet Second Wind A Sunfish Sailor an Island and the Voyage Praise For Second Wind A Sunfish Sailor an Island and the Voyage That Brought a Family Together… Praise for Second Wind “Describing his races tackbytack and gustbygust Philbrick crosses the finish line with suretobe satisfied readers interested in sailing and the personal life of this highly popular author” Review of Second Wind by Nathaniel Philbrick about A Sunfish Sailor an Island and the Voyage that Brought a Family Together The Sunfish sailor is author Nathaniel Philbrick in 1992 longing for halcyon days of 1978 when he was Brown University’s first Intercollegiate AllAmerican sailor the same year he won the Sunfish North Americans in Barrington RI Sailing as a conduit to renewal Points East Magazine “Second Wind A Sunfish Sailor an Island and the Voyage That Brought a Family Together” by Nathaniel Philbrick Penguin Books 2018 240 pp Reviewed by Sandy Marsters For Points East The Sunfish What a weird boat though not as weird as the flushdeck Sailfish We had one of those at the lake when I was a kid Very heavy plywood